
Docker, Traefik, Jellyfin, DLNA

It seems most media servers (Jellyfin, Emby, Plex, UMS…etc) recommend using docker host networking (-net=host) when running within a container so that it can see UDP traffic on port 1900 for DLNA discovery.

This is undesirable for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that a reverse proxy (Traefik, perhaps?) running in docker can’t talk to anything running directly on the host (or containers using the host network).

Below I’m using a macvlan network to put the Jellyfin container on the same network as my host so Traefik can properly proxy to it while still receiving broadcast network traffic.

  1. Create macvlan network that mirrors your hosts’ internal network
    Warning: Assign containers static IPs that are outside your DHCP range (or use a smaller, non-overlapping CIDR range)
    docker network create -d macvlan --subnet= --gateway= -o parent=eno1 home-net
  2. Create Traefik container
    Use macvlan network, assign static IP, use static MAC for DHCP address reservation:
    --net=home-net \
    --ip= \
    --mac-address=02:42:c0:a8:01:0d \
    --label \
  3. Connect Traefik container to bridge network (or traefik docker network)
    docker network connect bridge traefik
  4. Create Jellyfin container
    Use macvlan network, assign static IP, use static MAC for DHCP address reservation:
    --net=home-net \
    --mac-address=02:42:c0:a8:01:0f \
    --ip= \
    Publish DLNA port
    -p 1900:1900/udp

Minimal Approach

The most simplistic approach to solving this problem seems to be using the net=host network, but creating a static rule in Traefik that points to the internal docker host/gateway IP (…

# traefik.toml
         url = ""
     backend = "backend-jellyfin"
     passHostHeader = true
         rule = "Host:jellyfin.domain.tld"
       SSLRedirect = true
       SSLHost = "jellyfin.domain.tld"
       SSLForceHost = true
       STSSeconds = 315360000
       STSIncludeSubdomains = true
       STSPreload = true
       forceSTSHeader = true
       frameDeny = true
       contentTypeNosniff = true
       browserXSSFilter = true
       customResponseHeaders = "X-Robots-Tag:noindex,nofollow,nosnippet,noarchive,notranslate,noimageindex"
       customFrameOptionsValue = "allow-from https://domain.tld"

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